The Slasher

Cutting grass, reeds and small trees down to size, keeping places tidy, eliminating fire hazards and unexpected reptiles such as snakes.



Grass Slashing Services for Efficient Land Maintenance

A 100% Tasmanian family-owned business, ULEX is your go-to business for fast and reliable land management solutions for the agricultural sector. Explore our professional grass slashing services tailored for efficient land maintenance and ground clearance. We take pride in offering top-notch solutions to landowners seeking effective and hassle-free slashing services for farms and acreages.

ULEX Enterprises - Why Choose Our Grass Slashing Equipment

  • Enhanced Ground Clearance for Land Owners: When it comes to land maintenance, ground clearance is crucial. Our grass slashing services provide comprehensive land clearance, ensuring a clean and well-maintained landscape. Say goodbye to overgrown vegetation and invest in high quality land clearing services.
  • Tasmanian Owned for Local Expertise: ULEX Enterprises is proud to be a 100% Tasmanian family-owned business that understands the unique ground clearance needs of our local rural communities. 

The Benefits of Grass Slashing with ULEX Enterprises

Our grass slashing services offer a comprehensive solution to various land maintenance challenges. By choosing ULEX Enterprises, you benefit from:

More Desirable to Sellers: Land that is in better condition with slashed grass will be more desirable to buyers when it comes to selling. This is because it is more versatile and can be used for agricultural or construction projects more easily.

Less Risk of Compaints: Long grass on your land has the potential to attract complaints from neighbours and councils. This is because it not only looks more unsightly, but it is also more hazardous in terms of wildfires.

Efficient Acreage Slashing Services: For extensive landowners, our acreage slashing services are tailored to meet your specific needs. We understand the challenges of managing large areas, and our expertise ensures a swift and effective solution, promoting the overall health of your property.

Improved Safety: During dry periods, long grass may become a fire risk that can allow for the rapid spread of wildfires across your land, and is more attractive to snakes. Eliminate these potential risks and create safer outdoor spaces with grass slashing services from ULEX Enterprises. 

We Do More Than Just Grass Slashing Services

We have a wide range of land clearance and forestry services designed to meet all of your agricultural needs. Depending on your needs and requirements, we can offer:

  • Forestry Mulching: Areas of overgrown vegetation can quickly and easily be turned into soil-enriching mulch, making your land more 
  • Weed Removal Service: Our weed removal services are perfect for eradicating invasive plant species from your land, promoting the growth of native flora. 
  • Stump Grinding: Clear tree stumps effectively and create space for new projects or expand your farmable land. 
  • Tree Removal: Ensure that your land remains aesthetically pleasing and usable with our range of tree removal services.

Whatever your overall goal is for your land, ULEX Enterprises has the equipment, skills and experience to provide a quick and simple solution to your land management needs.

Contact ULEX Enterprises for Grass Slashing Today

Are you ready to begin your property and land transformation with our professional grass slashing services? Contact our team of professionals today to learn how ULEX Enterprises can provide a comprehensive solution to your unique land maintenance requirements.